Hi - I have recently made a few baby steps to try out being at work, and it has been great fun, just doing some one to one work with final year students on their coursework.
NOW my reversal op has been put on hold, cos my surgeon can no longer do it at the end of this month, and then she is on hols for most of February.
Thinking about that I decided to say I'd prefer to wait till after Easter, cos that is so early in March, then we can have a holiday somewhere nice, NOT blighted by the possibility of post-op trauma ... and then maybe take the time to see what my next scan shows in April, maybe?
It is so hard to know what to do.
To some extent, fear of the cancer coming back makes me want to delay the surgery anyway, cos if these are a few precious months of not being in cancer treatment then maybe it is better to not be post-op in them ... and just not bother with the reversal ... in favour of "quality of life" time with B and gently doing a few hours of work.
Some ppl say "You have to do what you want" and I dont even know what I want.
Then other ppl say "Oh just get on with it and get back to normal" and then I think, what is normal when you have a high risk of return cancer in the back of your mind every day ?