the long version is: we arrived @ the hospital bang on 4 (my appt time) cos the traffic was terrible, the whole city snarled up due to an M6 crash, apparently
and we can tell Dr A isnt there cos we know his car ...
so we sit and wait
and B says "it's a good job we're not on pins, isn't it?"
and he turns up at 4.45 cos he's been stuck in the nightmare traffic too ... and we're just saying hello in the foyer when this other guy (the 4.30 appt fellow) grabs his hand and scoots into the room with Dr A ..
queue jumped at the oncologist, whatever next!
So B says "let it go it's's not like we are on pins!"
then we're wondering should we phone/text ppl who know we're seeing the doc @ 4 -- cos clearly it's going to be a bit more of a wait ..
but we didn't ..
I carried on doing the suduko puzzle and meanwhile saying to B I think my doctor is very handsome -- he looks gorgeous in his pink shirt and tie ensemble -- and she says she'll throw a brick through his lovely sporty two door 90 grands worth of mercedes if I carry on .... (it seems that she can remember the dream I had about him ...
she is only joking though, she loves him too ...
then we go in eventually and then we realise he hasn't looked at the xrays ...
and he is making small talk about me going back to work and how've I been ?... and general chat about my health and my stoma and surgery and I am thinking
ARGH -- look at the x-rays will you ?????
B says he's being very holistic in his approach, when he finally goes to get this thick pile of images .. and we sit there patiently while he gazes at each one in turn, ocasionally throwing out remarks like "so far so good"
and he is SOOOOOOOOOOOO casual -- and I want to offer him a magnifying glass and say are you sure you've really looked at that!?!?!?!??!
but he says it is fine --- and that's that
and now we are breathing again
Wotta wait! So very, very, very pleased for you and yours. :-)
Much love
J xxx
Wonderful news - I am SO happy for you - and of course B. Have an extra special weekend. Smilely Celia.
Fantastic Suze. Great to see you both on Monday, and even greater to have this news.
so so happy for you
Jane x
I have no words. Wow. :-) xx
Wow indeed! Excellent news :-)
Hello Sue, Cousin Pauline here. I am really pleased for you. I will definately have a drink tonight & toast your milestone.
I was home very late last night so I left it all for today.
Wonderful, wonderful news.
Lots of love. Pauline. xx
(Hopefully I have found the right home for this comment after putting it on yesterday's post.) Oh how wonderful. I am so pleased. The wait sounded really painful but the verdict is great. In fact it is all great stuff, what with you enjoying work as well. Hope your pleasure at being back is more than doubled by the good news. Best wishes to Julie too; it must feel so good for her. Much love Christine Sweeney
Sorry to hear the build-up to this was more stressful than it should have been -- but congratulations! Great news :)
Greg xx
hi -- hello chris, long time no "see" - yes I am enjoying work again, tho it has been put into perspective somewhat!
@ greg - it wasn't really stressful, anyone who has waited in an NHS queue will think we had it easy -- !!
going up to the Nuffield was like home from home cos everyone knows us, and even give me hugs and this makes me feel better ... plus I get my results only 24 hrs after the scan, which is great too
Hello Suze. Yes, I've been involved in 'things' for a while, but it's great to be reading the blog again and seeing you getting on so well and looking so good. I popped in to keep up until after you were off chemo and recovering and then stopped for a while. I would expect your priorities have changed and in ways I haven't experienced. It makes me think of the Ecclesiastics 3 passage: "To everything there is a a season, a time to..." So true. Enjoy this season and the time to be something different again. Christine S
Ecclesiastics 3?
I thought it was The Byrds.
The whole world is breathing again!
haha - it WAS in the 6 o clock news, jan, did you miss it!
super dooper news!
so pleased for you both!
have a great weekend away
big hugs and sparkles xx
Sue real good news as Ive spoken to you on the phone you know we are pleased for you both.
Weare back home today so hopefuly Bs. card will arrive on Thurs.
lots of love L M xxxxxxx
hey mum - it got here already - have you been away?
Yes went to the caravan but it wasnt very nice wet wet wet.
The Ts were not going so on Sat we dashed off to Lyme then we dashed back Tuesday. Been to Poole today gosh was it cold it looked super through the window but blooming awful in the wind.
Just spoken to B. enjoy your Chinese meal lots of love L M xxxxx
just reading yr blog late as usual, s.... but want to add my yay yay yay for the clear scan here! ever onward, i say...
erín of montreal now in saskatchewan trying to avoid the wood ticks!
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