Thursday, May 24, 2007

Tra la la

Day to Day
I've certainly been less ill this week than the last post-chemo week .. which has been a treat.

I bumped into our lovely GP in town this week and she said "You just look so well, no-one would guess too look at you, the scale of what you're going through."

So there we have it .. the doc agrees I'm doing great.

I went out with Cousin Pauline to Consall Hall (as recommended by Cathy) it was lovely and I think P and I will do more little trips out after 1/2 term. I got a bit tired though .. so I do have to be careful.

Brigid's birthday
I couldn't believe it I heard she'd been telling family members she planned to spend their money on a lawn mower .. anyrate .. she was serious. I researched it on Which? for her and here it is, their "best buy" for small gardens. She is chuffed to bits with it and got both lawns done in an absolute blink.
The big improvement on this over the old one ~ ~ ~ this one CUTS where the other one mainly just flattened!


Anonymous said...

good to see that deep down she is a stoke city fan! :-))

Anonymous said...

Hello Sue and Brigid we are back home from Lut.Had a good journey both ways, saw M T and Luke on Tuesday night its nice they manage to get over. Nan seemed brighter now that her insulins been reduced.
Its very warm and sunny today, had to go to Tescos on my own Winnies gone to Lancashire for two weeks.
Tobyss just come so will sign of now Bye for now L M xxxx

Anonymous said...

Carrying on Julies just gone Tobys gone to play in the garden with Dad.
The lawn mower looks great so does B.
Pleased your chemo afer effects were better this time looking forward to seeing you in a couple of days.Bye for now L M xxxxxxxP S havnt read the back blogs did Kieron reply.

suze said...

no keiron has disappeared!

well not literally I hope!

Liz Kirby said...

What a cute little gardener you have got!

Anonymous said...

How chuffed does she look! Brilliant! ;o)

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, Cousin Pauline here. Yes it was a lovely day at Consul & I must say you did look so well. Mind you when you started to get tired you did go a bit pale. No-one would know as you say what you have to cope with.
I look forward to more meetings. Yes it shows that Brigid is a Stoke fan. I don't like football so they are all the same to me. Craig is a Port Vale fan & sometimes watches them live with his dad.
The only sport I care to watch on telly is snooker & that's only to see the stylish waistcoats. Haha.
I have taken your advice about typing full words as apposed to (m) fone text. I'm always ready for constructive critisism but as I've taken up a lot of space I'll send a poem next time.
Love to you & yours. Cousin Poe. xx

Anonymous said...

This is meant in the nicest possible way - that photo collage is hysterical! Artistically, it captures the whole mowing act thing; the almost repetitive movements; B's happy little mowing face ... but it keeps making chuckle and I don't even know why!

Better go and have a lie down. :)


(I miss Keiron, too!)

Anonymous said...

thank you for putting that Jean, it sums the whole effect up beautifully

Anonymous said...

You can obviously recommend the lawnmower. What's its make and model? Mines conked out along with my DVD player and my washing machine. Have purchased a German motorhome which is lovely - unfortunately can't get straight out on the open road due to time it takes to get it registered and all the other regulations to make it legal for driving in the UK. also have to get to grips with LHD. Have Tywyn on Welsh coast in mind for its maiden voyage. Glad you enjoyed Consall.Bet the Rhods looked super.