Saturday, May 19, 2007

a bit more

Yesterday's post was especially feeble -- and may have given the impression I was whacked .. whereas I was a BIT whacked, but also, in fact, quite engaged in building a new internet site..

This won't be of interest to most of you, but if you are a bit of a gay girl you can join it! You'll have to ask me for the address, cos the other members of the board don't want it broadcast too far and wide to strangers on tinternet. You can get the address by emailing me:

I got brought home by Azrini yesterday, cos Liz got poorly in the night and had to go home b4 she could complete her tour of duty!

On the way I bought a new pair of tri-coloured deckshoes from Moshulu... is cancer doing something odd to my dress-sense? (I know some of you think that's a puzzler anyway.. ) but really I keep buying pastel shades .. tho I cant see me giving up black altogether ..

B's sister is coming today, which is variation for us .. and I feel better now than I did this time last week .. presunably the infections added an extra layer of weariness then and my blood counts are good this week fact they are so much better than the week b4 I sort of wonder if they are really MY counts!


Anonymous said...

Wow the power of pastels - raising your blood count!!! Hang up your 'blacks' for the time being and buy into those paler shades.

Anonymous said...

Hooray for suze's blood counts!

Anonymous said...

Very pleased about the bloods! I have been asleep most of the last two days..... hoping to perk up a bit tomorrow. I was really sorry to have to leave like that and miss our outing to Trentham, for one thing I can even imagine these tri-coloured deck shoes!


Anonymous said...

Also very pleased about your blood count.congrats on the deck shoes. perhaps you now need a deck (preferably a floating one ) to show them off on. love Freda x

Anonymous said...

Very conscious of needing to continue to post over here as well now... will endeavour to make my internet presence duly known everywhere.

Firstly, glad to hear the blood count is heading in the right direction. Secondly, (and somewhat less importantly) I'm very intrigued with these new shoes. I for the life of me can't imagine what a deckshoe is. And she calls herself a woman....! *Sam shakes head in shame*

Will send you a photo of the new pink ones, they're just delightful


Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, Cousin Poe here. Great 'bout blood count. Guess I don't no wot decking-shoes r? Methinks a deck is some planks o' wud int' garden? Mayb u wear those shoes then? The only other I herd of 'Deck the halls wi' holly. Tra -la-la'. Sommat 'bout it b season 2 b jolly etc. Well it always season 2 b jolly if u feel cheery & positive. Hope u do!
Let me no if I can visit this wk b4 half-term upon us.
Take care & lots of love 2 u & yours. Pauline. xx

suze said...

hi folks - deck shoes are very common, flat shoe, sort of like a moccasin, but with a lace up bit at the front, and round the edge as well .. the three colours ,, hmm .. maybe need a photo!

@ po . I've ogt virtually nothing planned this week .. so give us a call and we'll get together !

avid said...

and a huge thank you for the new board, I hope it's giving you lots of other things to think about!


suze said...

@ avid - yes i think the new board is proving very therapeutic!

Anonymous said...

If a little all-time-consuming on my part (lol). It's all good stuff. Glad its keeping you busy.

When are we having the big shoe photo trade off then? :)

suze said...

haha - yes indeed .. shoe photo trade-off
*wanders off mumbling to herself*

Anonymous said...

Check your email - I just love my new pink shoes. Actually, if I think on next time I come down I'll bring those white ones I was telling you about - maybe B would like them...?