Thursday, June 28, 2007

lost it

confirmation, if such were needed, that I HAVE totally "lost it" .. I've taken photos of my shoes and posted them on the interweb ...

there's no excuse

look away if insanity distresses you



Anonymous said...

Very shapely feet and ankles. I hope you'll forgive me for feeling mildly aroused. Perhaps I have a hitherto unrealised foot fetish, now awakened from hibernation and soon to be unleased in a shoe shop near you.

Love Matt xxxx

suze said...

wot you on about - hitherto unrecognised?????

I was in the car with you when we BOTH turend to ogle a women in glamorous high heels

I'm posting a warning note out to The Allied Shoe Traders blog immediately in view of the threat of you and your arousal arriving on their premises ... !

Anonymous said...

Have I sent you over the edge!!

Jan xxxxx

Anonymous said...

Susan! Step away from the shoes. Easy now. C'mon. You can do it. Just leave them there. That's it. And another step. No, don't look round. Head for the door, lovey. No, no - the door's in front of you. Pad on now, you're nearly there. Keep going. Yay - attagirl! One more step for humanity - one less obsession for susankind.

Erm, now that you're out of the door and in bare feet - fancy going shopping with me for some new shoes? Heh.

Jean x

Anonymous said...

We liked your shoes auntie Susan lots of love Toby and Joe xxxxx

Anonymous said...

Susanhope you can walk in those shoes I go dizzy just looking at the high heels.
Just had meat and potato pie with peas carrots parsnip, then scones with jam and cream real healthy eating. Bye for now L M xxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

But are they comfortable?

Hugs from the Big Softie at 6th Form.

Anonymous said...

They are beautiful - burn the deckshoes and admit that those lovely ankles need shoes to show them off

suze said...


they are comfy, actually, wide fitting and padded insoles

yes, Jue, they are glam, but I'll keep the deckshoes for wearing with shorts .. I think these might be a tad de trop for that sort of use !

In fact, these look a lot like some Mandy got from L K Bennet, I think, the ones she wore to our wedding ..

Anonymous said...

I'm pleased you managed to get a photo from every imaginable angle.

Good lass.

suze said...

I used a mirror, of course, not being as bendy as ALL that!

Anonymous said...

Rubber legged Minnie !!! Talking of legs glad to see that you seen the light about pop socks. Not a good fashion choice- EVER. Even I know that

suze said...

@ julie, you never stop, do you

suze said...

14 comments now

Ruby Mac said...

Lovely and half price makes them even more desireable

Hope you are feeling well today


Ruby n Roxy X

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue have you had the heelies on to day.
Ive just filled the dishwasher,after our more healthy tea pasta gammon corn mushrooms and tomatoes, garlic bread, fruit for pud.I must say ay Italian restaraunt couldnt compete. The boys are watching superman, though Joe is waiting for me to cast on some stiches for his kniting must go Bye L M xxxx

Anonymous said...

if having Toby and Joe to tea inspires you to have a healthy meal consider it a regular arrangement. Thanks Mum

Anonymous said...

Julie 7- 32 thought you were off out at 6-45. boys not in bed yet watching inspector Lynley.
Sue been to Weymouth today was a nice sunny day the forcast for the week ends not to good.
Boys made big woolly balls now IM covered in bits of wool. Bye for now L M xxxxxxx

suze said...

haha Inspector Toft, more like!

the clock in here may not be right, mum!

Anonymous said...

You certainly turn a fine ankle. And I believe they will go with a certain rather cute pink coat?

I consider it a sign of sanity to buy beautiful things to wear btw.


Anonymous said...

Sue boys just gone9-30 they are having their hair cut at 10-0. Its wet wet wet today no Lyme this week end for them., I cannot see Tesco for the mist.
Dads just going to make a cup of tea,Ive just done another load of Ts ironing Johns taken it back when he collected the boys.
Hope this blog finds you both feeling a bit better than the last two weeks. Lots of love L M xxxxxx

Anonymous said...

21, soon to be 22 comments, I think this means the shoes were a good buy :) They are very, very pretty!
I am sure you will attract some... interesting... people oggling your feet as they surf the net!
Hope you are well! I finally found my way to the blog!!
And I was thinking maybe meeting up on the 15th for a meal and get together with everyone?

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shoes and I have to say they really match your carpet too! They are really nice, hope you enjoy wearing them.
anneinbristol x

Anonymous said...

The dial in letters are zoeey with out the z could be could be oeey lovely shoees.
Just dashedto Tesco for a chicken for tea before the rain comes again.
Going to watch the concert for Diane on TV this afternoon.
Bye for now L M xxxxxx

suze said...

It's odd how thin my ankles are, innit?
my wrists are the same, very slim .. but goodness knows the rest of me in between doesn't match!

Ali said...

Gorgeous shoes! You now need a bag and coat to match :-) Go and treat yourself! Hope you're feeling well today, Ali x

Anonymous said...

Not wishing to revisit the weird hands looking way too similar conversation - but those ankles look like mine. Mark what would you say about your ankles?