Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Oncologist update

I will be seeing Dr Adab this evening. Had a fairly restless night, not consciously thinking about it, but no doubt it was lurking in my mind.

It was in Brigid's subconscious mind, for sure. She had a very vivid dream where someone was breaking into our house and she went down to send them away. Which she did, and then she ran after them to get the keys back. Which they gave to her. The house was full of obstacles, but she was successful in her mission to keep us safe.

She sees this as symbolic of us trying to get rid of the intrusion of cancer into our lives. In dreams your house often seems to represent your feelings about what is closest to you, or your own soul.

It also reminds us of that time when she really did race after a guy who had sneakily stolen her handbag off the back of her chair when we were having a picnic in Park Guell (Barcelona), She somehow knew it was him in the crowds and ran about 80 metres to catch him. She made him give get her bag out of the bag he was carrying and got it back from him. Crazy woman!

This is exactly where we were sitting when it happened:


Anonymous said...

This is a good way of looking at it! and so positive!:-)
Fingers crossed! Kasia xxx

Anonymous said...

Hope the Doc's got good news, love.

Thinking of you.

Venita x

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed our chat over lunch and am keeping eyes etc. crossed for this evening's consultation.
See you again soon.Luv, Celia F

Sam said...

What a woman!

Hope no news is good news at this stage.


Loopyloobyloo said...

OMG, I believe I sat on that exact same bit of bench last August!

Loopy xxx

suze said...

amazing - good that you didn't get your bag nicked!