Saturday, September 15, 2007



I've had a busy week with Ann from Bristol and doing a few chores but I tell you - I'm bone tired



Anonymous said...

Cheer up Susan,having just chated to you on the phone,Iknow you are a bit down with your friend in your street dying this week.
My friend Mary says her hair is growing back and is almost one inch long,Iv promised I will do her a home perm when its long enough.
The Ts, are at the caravan so I hope the suns out at Lyme.lots of love to both of you and keep your chin up.bye for now L M xxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Its Tuesday so you will be back at the hospital, I hope everything goes well eg. the insertion of the chemo needle.
Its sunny today Im fetching T and J from school at 3 - 15. Julie doesnt finish work till 3-30.
Well I will close now lots of special love from L M xxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Hiya Susan,

sorry to hear you are bone tired. Given your 'big' bones, I guess that means VERY tired!

Cue much huffing and 'Eee our Mark, I'm sure I don't know what you are trying to say..' etc.

Anyway, enough cheekiness. Thanks for Luke's parcel, which arrived this morning. He has proudly worn his jewellery all evening. I hope he will do the right thing and thank you himself quite soon.

I hadn't really finished talking with you when I had to dash off to Leamington with Darrren t'other day. Pity. (But I realised you were getting tired even then.) Incidentally, Darren must see some future in his current relationship. He has had NEARINDER tatooed on his chest like a necklace. In letters an inch tall.

As for the Powerpoint, Luke's tutor phoned us at home last night. (Luckily I realised who he was before I was able to became too abrupt. (Normally, strangers on the phone turn out to be some arse trying to sell Anglian windows or fascia)). Anyway, the teacher has realised it is a bit daft expecting all pupils' parents to invest in Powerpoint for their PCs, so that part of Luke's assignment can now be done in class. Not that any of this is the reason for the phone call, the tutor just called to introduce himself. Fine.

Rest those bones, and get well soon. Lots of love from Mark.


Anonymous said...

oops - just catching up on here, suze. You know, I had an absolutely super time in Stoke, visiting lots of places, seeing you and B - but I'm not surprised you felt worn out on Saturday. You are a star, you really are!

suze said...

mark - I love your writing tone -- I always thought you could have made living from it,really, tho maybe this is just a form of narcissim, cos I think me and Julie write in entertaining ways too! It was the future with nearinder thing that really made my splutter!

Glad luke liked his pressie - he DID say he'd been looking for "men's" jewellry and I thought they were suitable for him .. a little note from him, or a call would be nice... or a photo?

Anonymous said...

You will be home again by time you read this Sue,it was lovely hearing you so chipper on the phone post chemo. Having just read the above messages I thought I needed to point out to LM that if Mary has made it through her treatment and her hair is growing maybe she could treat herself to a trip to the hairdressers - those chemo drugs are cruel at times but a perm lotion in unskilled hands is just asking for trouble

Anonymous said...

Thank you nurse L M xxx