Thursday, January 25, 2007

hi folks - I had a pretty sore/tired/grumpy day yesterday but slept well again last night and feel a bit more chipper this morning. It is such a boost to see blue sky and bright light throught the windows as well.

We didn't have any visitors yesterday, but Andy will be round later and B is going out this afternoon for a coffee with Mike, so she can get a bit of "me-time" which I think is really important for her ...

I had a funny card from my mate Ann in Bristol, which says "You can't have too many flowers" which she sent in response to my earlier post that we've got "enough" flowers at the moment. Of course she is right ....... but you CAN have too few vases!

I've had loads of email to home and work addresses, and will just have to say a generic "thanks" via here, cos by and large I cant sit up long enough to type individually to everyone! I do continue to enjoy and appreciate the contact and news snippets, of course!

B roasted a chicken today and made a glorious leek-filled gravy and mash - which was LUVVERLY. I also ate some raspeberry with my weetabix and some pomegrante juice during the day, so the rainbow is growing again, and fuelling my healing, I'm sure.

Jigsaw puzzle
it's not easy to sit up to do it, but I do enjoy a few minutes here and there. So far, after three days' effort, the outer edge is still not quite finished! LOL.... Good job we bought one of those things you can fold a puzzle up into.


Anonymous said...

Dear Susan,glad to see that you are taking that puzzle nice and steady,and you managed a
decent sleep,still in the chair?
The sun is out here today but it is also realy cold.
Pleased to see you are letting Briigid have some time of,(good conduct medal for that).
Mum is on a *new* medication ,it seems to be working faster than the previous one,not much coughing in the night.
Love to you both Dad xxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan I am pleased you feel O K this morning you willsoon be over the after op blues.
I tod you yesterday about my trip to the Dr and the hospital so wont go on about that.
It is nice and sunny here thefrosts all gone now.
How big is your puzzle must be extra large if you havnt done the edge,the big ones are no good because you have to lean over to much so try a very small one 250 pieces at the most.
Auntie B was over the moon at how well you looked she ranng up on Monday night to tell us .bye for now lots of love to you both L M xxxx

Anonymous said...

Those puzzle mats are money well spent.
This blue sky is wonderful and cheers everyone up not just the post op amongst us. I'm at work and the general feeling is roll on global warming. Love Julie

Anonymous said...

Lots of love and well wishes coming your way. So good to see the photos post-op, loving the fact that you're managing to smile - keep the spirits up.

Anonymous said...

Glad you liked the card, suze, *dimples*, oh gosh I'm trying so hard not to be cheeky here. Seriously though, you are an inspiration and it's very encouraging to read all your news ..

I think your family and friends are splendid too; great team!

Anonymous said...

hi, well sunshine and blue sky is nice when you have a nice, cosy and warm house and not the cold, freezing one like ours! :-)
Keep up the rainbow delights!