Saturday, November 11, 2006


Loads of people I know are doing International Travel at the moment. Mand is holidaying in Egypt, James just got back from Thailand and has to go to Australia on Monday. Ian is in New Zealand, Azrini just got back from LA and Greg is in Germany.

Erin lives in Canada --(*waves* - thanks for your lovely long comment the other day, Erin)
Scott lives in China (you can link to his blog from my index)
and thanks to this blog we can all keep in touch really easily. Technology.

It amazes me - especially using the wireless lap-top - like this morning, B lying in bed and idly wondering what the fixtures are for the next round of Carling Cup and we just turn the laptop on, no cables, no wires and start to look for the info - plucked from the air (as James puts it).

Got a question and you can get it answered on-line in minutes. (oh and we've got Wycombe .. yipee, since we aren't doing very well with the league so far!)


So, I am lazing in bed after breakfast ... making the most of the laptop since we dont have to go for treatment today.

Azrini came round last night and we had a good meal and sat by the fire chatting for hours.

Sweet (as Joe likes to say).


Anonymous said...

I am doing international travel too - I am going up to Heptonstall tomorrow! My first taste of the novel groupl. I could put you both in the novel and give you imortality, how about it? Lx

suze said...

hi Liz - I'm sure that novel group really IS another country .. hope you survive it in one peace .. the natives are restless, you know.

I dont mind being in a novel but will someone as modern as me fit into one of your historical epics?

suze said...

i dunno if I meant peace as a pun or its just a spelling error!

suze said...

Scott tells me he is travelling a lot too - he's been to Korea and is off to Mongolia soon. Temperatures there are minus 15... hmm wrap up warmly Scott.

suze said...

hey jean - that beetroot site is good .. thanks.. I should put it in the lovelylinks!

when r u going away? James just phoned (about 7pm) he was on his train to the airport .. dunno what time his flight was but he wasn't too excited at the prospect of a 23 hour journey (3hrs in Hong Kong) --yick, I've just gone so anti long-flights again .. I cant imagine doing it myself.

Anonymous said...

"Plucked from the air"... I like that. The thought of technology regularly daunts me. In fact, classic example... I'm sitting here at whatever time it is, sending and receiving messages from my cousin approximately one gazillion miles away, watching her type words out that appear immediately before my very eyes, not to mention watchin her smiling and waving back at me from a flat silver metal contraption on my lap. Nope, beats the hell out of me... incredible!

Anyways, enough midnight ramblings... off to buy some random stuff on ebay. Goodnight all.

James said...

He he - I think I say "it snatch it from the very air!"


your sounding like your percker is still up. Hurrah for up peckers!