My sister could shop for England .. no kid, TK Maxx took the mian hit, so anyone thinking of popping up there tomorrow - be advised - it's empty.
In fact, town was heaving with shoppers today - there was no where to park, and jams all over the place ... which turns out to be because PRIMARK has opened -- bejayzus -- it's only a shop, folks, and it will still be there tomorrow .. literally 4 out of 5 ppl we passed by had a primark bag in their hand ... very odd.
Hi,Susan,tell Julie, John is still the same,working hard,still no time to stop and drink tea or talk.
We are pleased that you have finished your radio therapy,and being you are still feeling great.
We have paid a deposit on the bathroom refit, so are now commited to major changes in the thing's we have in there.
Provisionaly 29th Jan;
Nice to see you are getting a larger fan club,all these people's kind thought's and comments are a powerfull
help to your complete recovery,and we woould like to thank all of you good people for helping
Susan,and keeping her on the ball,and not just football.many thank's.
lots of love Dad love to Julie and Brigid tooxx.
Hi Dad -- that is a really sweet message to the blog readers and especially to people who post comments, cos I think it really does help me a lot.
Talking of football, B is off to see Stoke today, with Matt and Kasia .. Matt seems to bring them good luck as they win when he goes to see them, and they are climbing up the league.
Send me an email about what you're doing to the bathroom.
hello again it's Toby one of the mistery brother's and i'v just turend round to see that grandad has just fineshed the cliff railway and it's great!!! joe's playing with it now oh no he's not he's doing his homework like a good boy,ive allready done mine
lots of love
hi Toby - I'm pleased to hear the cliff railway is (finally!) finished.
I am also pleased that you are both keeping up with your homework. Only a few weeks till I am down there with you .. how great is that? YIPEE, wiht love, Aunty Susan
Hi Suzie, I am now back in circulation following the death and funeral of my Mum. You said one of the most memorable things when you heard which was that even tho you were coping with the possibility of mortality you still feared bereavement. 2 bits of good news from me: 1.. we don`t need to fear bereavement. 2 we`re not going to die for a long time yet!
I will ring and hopefully be more use to you soon,love from Mike xxxxxx
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