Wednesday, October 04, 2006

one - hysterical aunty sequence

This sequence starts with my sister trying to take a "nice" picture and telling Tobe to "stop waving these coke cups on your hands."

He takes "hands" to be the operative word and sets about finding other bits of his anatomy to wave is coke cups from -- there is a certain inevitability about this sequence of pics ...

My growing hysteria was only exaggerated by the evil eye my sis is shooting at me from behind the camera ..

I was literally gasping for breath by the end!


Anonymous said...

your face is a picture in itself :p


suze said...

I think my face is the whole point of printing these pics -- I was SO hysterical -- and he was so giggly -- when I told him I'd put these pics on tinternet for the world to see he went "OH..... MY.... GOD...." like any bloke in his 20s might say it ..but at least he gave me permission, cos I said I'd take them down if he didn't like it ..

Tobe is a bit of a show-man, he has been in a number of different performance pieces already and seems totally confident in being on stage in any context. I've got a great shot of him somewhere I'll post it later...